Thursday, June 18, 2009


I have an urgent prayer request. I know that no one reads this blog, but please, if you do, pray.
My roommate Stacy found out yesterday that her mom has stomach cancer. Her tumor is half the size of her stomach, and it is also in her lymphnodes. She has some tests on Monday that will tell what the next step is. If it's isolated in her stomach and lymphnodes, they will try to surgically remove as much as possible and start chemo. If it's spread outside her stomach, it is basically untreatable. Please pray that God would miraculously heal Diana Bailey. I believe it is possible.
Stacy went from thinking it was stomach pain to finding this out yesterday. It has been very difficult for her family to process, especially her youngest sister Erin, who is 12. She worries herself into throwing up and not being able to sleep. Please pray that her anxiety would go down and that she would feel God's comfort during this time. Stacy's older sister Amanda is 6 months pregnant and they are worried that she is going to go into early labor from the stress of everything.
I know that God is not surprised by this. I know that He is going to be glorified, and His will will be done. But I think that something amazing can happen through this in her family. I am praying for miraculous healing, for comfort that surpasses anything they have ever known, and for peace. Please join me in praying for the Baileys. Thank you.

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