Sunday, August 23, 2009

Beauties and the Beast, Round 3

Tomorrow is the first day of a 17 week long weight loss challenge. Some girls in my small group have participated in the past 2 challenges, and they have seen amazing results, so I decided that this time I would tag along. Basically, my eating is about to be taken to a whole new level! I am excited on one hand, but on the other I am afraid. I keep hearing these voices in my head: "What makes you think that you can stick with it this time? How are you any different?" Before I would have called that my cold feet, but now I recognize it as the voice of Satan. He wants me to fail. He wants to cripple me in my journey, and rob me of the joy I am experiencing through all of my fitness networking. But I know that I have the support of, get this, 69 women in this challenge! Isn't that insane??? I think that this challenge will not only help me lose the weight, but will provide me with the accountability and friendship I need in life to feel encouraged and grow in my faith. So a lot of my posts will probably deal with the challenge, seeing as how it will consume a big part of my life for the next few months!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

You can do this!! Hope your first week is amazing!