Tuesday, November 17, 2009

When I am weak...

So, for those of you that read my blog and don't see my Facebook/Twitter updates (which I am guessing might be no one) I have been quarantined due to the lovely little H1N1 virus. It's frustrating because it's not that the swine flu is as bad as I imagined...it's just draining. And taking FOREVER to go away. I have felt the exact same since Saturday morning, and it's getting old. I feel tired walking from one room to the next. I am achy. I blow my nose every five seconds. And to top it all off, I can't be around people. It's annoying, and I am just ready to be back on my feet and moving again!
One thing that I am learning though is that even (especially) in my weakest moment, God can really do good things. I feel that being sick has allowed me to take a step back from life and get some perspective on the way I have been going on. I have been acting like such a victim this past month, allowing my circumstances to get in the way of my joy of serving others, feeling so busy that I can't breathe, when in reality the things I have going on are manageable and are way better than what they could be. Reading a lot of Tanna's updates about Brittany really put the things I worry about into proper perspective. I have the full use of my body. I will not have the flu forever, and then I will be back in the gym and actually starting to substitute teach in the next week or so. I have a place to live, I have a bachelor's degree, and have not been kicked out of graduate school so I guess I am doing okay there too. It's time to really focus on God. He is the absolute author and finisher of my life, and He should be the center of my attention, not all of these inconsequential things that get in my way. I am working on making Him a priority like I seem to do with everything else. Sad that it has to be an effort, but we all have to start somewhere, right?

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