Friday, July 30, 2010

Newest Lesson to be Learned

In doing the 21 Day Challenge in which I read the book of Romans bit by bit each day, I am becoming more in tune with what God is telling me each and every day. With that comes the conviction of the Holy Spirit, which has not been absent from my life but significantly decreased. Things have been so wonderful in the past year and I have become extremely comfortable with the mountaintop. However, I feel that I have been made aware of something I definitely need to work on, and that is patience.

Tonight, this was ever present in my head and heart as I read my chapters (I forgot yesterday). I've spent the past week or so giving myself little pep talks here and there about contentment, relaxing, not controlling situations, and all of the other fun things that go along with correcting a lack of patience in life. However, tonight was the first time I've actually felt convicted about it. I remember when I was a kid, I used to pray "Lord, if I can just live until I am 16 so that I can date and drive, I promise I'll never ask for anything again." Seriously? It makes me laugh just thinking about it. But the truth is, I tend to live my life in continual pursuit of "the next step." I stop living in the "now" and begin to make plans as to what should happen next. Oh, if I had a dollar for every bargain with God that I've made out of impatience!

I realized in the past several hours that for me to refuse the enjoyment of God's blessings in my life is selfish and spoiled. It is selfish both towards God and to anyone else involved. Who am I to decide the natural order of things in life, both little or big? When did it become my job to orchestrate the comings and goings of the world around me? When did I stop living by faith and instead living by sight?

Romans 3 and 4 talk a lot about faith. I was reminded that the people running hard after God's heart were most often unable to see the light at the end of the tunnel, let alone the next step. Abraham specifically is used as an example of someone who understood the power of faith over works. I can sit and try to become the puppet master of my own life, or I can allow God to continue to bless me in the way in which He deems fit, and in the timing which He sees necessary. In the grand scheme of things, my life is but a vapor. It's ridiculous that I seem unable to see past the end of my nose when it comes to certain things.

I challenge my readers to take some time in the next day or so to reflect on your ability to appreciate your blessings and trust in God's timing. I ask you to partner with me in prayer that we will be able to be like Abraham, a generation who truly walks by faith.

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