Sunday, March 14, 2010

Prelude to Spring Break

Tonight at small group, we sat outside the Mullins's back porch and started discussing Mr. Chambers as usual. I always love our group discussions, as we have a group of people this semester that really know how to be real and hash out the tough issues, which always makes for a good time. One of my friends was talking about the past year and a half, and how her walk with God has so drastically changed...and it makes me think about my last 18 months, and I'd have to agree with her on that one. I've grown up a lot...and am so thankful for what God has blessed me with.

I tend to always complain when God doesn't meet my needs in the way I think He should. Which is so stupid. But it's what I do. But tonight I was challenged to really count my blessings and see that He has provided me with such peace...I can't even begin to understand it.

-I am a member of a church family that loves me unconditionally. TCAL is my other family. I love it.
-I have such a great support system within my family. Just like iron sharpens iron, my fam makes me want to be a better person.
-I have great friends who pray for me and encourage me, who make me laugh until I start wheezing (super cute) and who accept me for the quirky person that I am.
-And the blessings go on and on...

This past year has held some very tough knocks, so to speak. But I feel different now...I feel as though I've let God take control and that He is winning that battle for me! It's refreshing. It's amazing. And now that I've stopped worrying about everything, I'm able to just enjoy my life and be happy. Which is quite excellent.

If you don't have that kind of support system, I encourage you to find it. Come to my group if you don't know one. Promise you'll leave feeling encouraged.

1 comment:

Dr. Jay Smith said...

Caty - Welcome to the club. I am reminded of John 15, the parable of the vine and the branches. If you are producing fruit, then the vinedresser "prunes" you so you produce more fruit. The process of pruning doesn't even sound enjoyable does it? But it is an invaluable tool to enable the vine to produce more fruit over a life time. Thank you for your sage observations!