Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Thoughts approaching Easter: God's Purpose

Disclaimer: Basically I have never really cared about what is on my blog, because I'm pretty much an open book. However, due to certain issues discussed pertaining to certain readers, I went back and deleted a couple of posts. I don't think it will affect anyone's life or anything (yes, sarcasm) but I just thought I'd throw that out there to any potential stalkers I have.

Easter is less than a week away. At this time last year, I was moving into a new apartment, applying for graduate school, and attempting to figure out what my life would look like without teaching. I found myself questioning God a lot concerning His purpose for my life: what was my calling? what kind of person do You want me to be? When will I come to a place of contentment and peace with my life?

Now, Easter is upon me, and I find myself moving AGAIN into a new apartment. My life is radically different from one year ago, and I am amazed at God's providence. It's always so hard to understand the "why" in what God calls me to do, but now that I am looking back, it's becoming more and more apparent. Here are some of the "why"s and some of my thoughts pertaining to them:

1) "Lord, why can't I go to Prague? Why are you keeping me here?" For those of you who do not know, I was fully accepted and signed away to begin an AP English program for MKs in Prague, Czech Republic. I would have started in August and be finished up by this June. Around Christmas, I began sensing that this was the wrong decision, but I ignored it until about February. There have been many times since that I have yearned to be there and asked God why. However, the numerous occasions and opportunities presented this year prove that, beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am supposed to be here.

2)"What am I going to do with my life???" After discovering the difficulty of getting a teaching job at the college level, added to my failure as a sales representative, I was full of doubt concerning my occupation. Just to make some money, I started subbing at the elementary level and FELL IN LOVE. As I was praying for an opportunity to transition into elementary, a job opened up at my stepmom's school for me to truly test my limits of patience and teach special education. The student I teach has changed me, and has been used by God to refine me into a much better person. I've learned how to teach in ways I never thought I could. I'm so grateful for him!

3) The issue of contentment. It's hard when everyone around you seems to be marrying and having babies, and you are not going on dates EVER. I have often found myself complaining to God and wondering what was wrong with me, and why certain flirtations just didn't go beyond that. Last fall, I finally felt at a place that I didn't care anymore, that God had made me who I am for a purpose, and I could be okay being by myself if it meant that my relationship with God was good. I think that being so much more okay with this has opened up opportunities for the better. Wink wink. lol

4) Random connections and opportunities. I know that I was stressed beyond belief about leading a small group this semester. I don't know how many times I wanted to quit. But leading the group I have has connected me to people I never would have met otherwise. It's crazy to think of how God has orchestrated all of that, knowing exactly what I need in this season of my life and providing it.

I could go on forever, but I am starting to see the tiny threads He is using to weave my life together. Even as I have typed this blog up, I have had an opportunity to share God's grace with someone I never thought would be receptive to it. Life is good. I am blessed.


Rachel said...

So good to hear what God is doing in your life. I miss being in group with you so we can catch up on life. Thanks for being real and open with your blog. Gives me a way to know how to pray and lets me feel a little better connected even when life gets crazy! :)

Dr. Jay Smith said...

Believe it or not - you are where I am, with a few detail changes. We are changed by our students. We go through dry spells and we get lost, trying to find our way. All along trusting that God is going to make us into what He needs us to be.