Tuesday, April 13, 2010

90 Days to a Better Me

If you have either followed my blog or been my friend on Facebook/Twitter for any amount of time, you know that last fall I was in a health craze. Eating right, working out 2 times a day...it just made sense. I dropped about 15 pounds. Smiley face.

Today, as I struggle to squeeze myself into those jeans I bought in October, I think to myself, "Seriously?"

The fact is, all of us struggle with our image in some capacity. If we don't think we are fat, we think we are too skinny. Bad skin. Too pale. Big feet. Whatever. These physical insecurities are often coupled with internal issues as well. We don't deal with conflict well. We can't get over our fear of speaking to others. We are disorganized. Bad at keeping up with friends. (Keep listening as I describe myself more and more to you. lol)

I'm not complaining about my life at all. I am very happy. I'm loving my relationship with God, have a good job, great boyfriend, fabulous friends. However, I can't sit back and allow myself to undo everything I've worked so hard for. Plus, it's important to do things today that will help you become the person you want to be in the future. I want to be able to not worry about clothing sizes. I want to be able to have an organized house someday. I want to be a godly wife and mother. Therefore....

I've decided to do the impossible. Starting May 3, I am going to begin a 90 day personal challenge in which I hope to become a healthier me. I am going to work on three things: my physical health, my organizational skills, and my faith. How? Good question.

This is not a challenge that I am going to be recruiting for, sending out emails and getting measurements for, etc. I honestly can't handle that right now. I am already putting things off until May 3, because that week will be my last week of the spring semester of graduate school, better known as hell on earth. But I encourage you to follow my blog posts, as I will be writing about my results, struggles, victories, etc. I encourage you to pick a program with me to do yourself during this 90 day period, or to start reading a devotional or a passage of Scripture a day. I hope that my sarcastic comments and overanalytical tendencies will amuse and encourage you to succeed!

Physical Health: Right now I am in the process of picking a program. Beachbody offers some amazing workouts, and I will either be doing P90x, Insanity, or Chalean Extreme. If I do Insanity, I'm still doing a 90 day challenge, but will spend my last 30 workout days training for some kind of running event. If you want to look at the programs, click "Shop" at my coaching website. I'll also be revamping how I eat and counting my calories.

Organizational Health: There is a program created by FlyLady that helps people like me get organized. I did it for a while, it was awesome, then I stopped.

Spiritual: I plan on reading my Bible each day as well as trying to do more nice things for others. I'll have more specifics later.

I'll record EVERYTHING on my blog. Anything I purchase, any blips in the program, you name it. So, who's with me? It's going to be tough, but I can't keep seeing myself slip through the cracks, and neither can you! Let's help each other reach our goals...we can do this!

1 comment:

Heather said...

I love FlyLady. I love you. The end.