Saturday, April 17, 2010

Cancer Can Suck It

I just finished reading my lovely friend Kelley's new blog, "Feel the Ta-Tas." Kelley just found out that she has breast cancer. As I read about all of her experiences leading up to beginning her blog, I got sick to my stomach. Kelley is one of the most godly women I'm blessed to know, and I know that if anyone can kick cancer's butt, it's her (I stole this blog title from one of her possible titles listed on her blog). But still...the word makes me cringe.
Is it just me, or does it seem like more and more people I know PERSONALLY have received this news? No longer is the "C" word a foreign term that does not apply. I am seeing both healing and heartbreak all around me, in my church, in my friends, in my family. It would be so easy to just get disillusioned and say "Screw it. There is so much despair in the world, Lord! Why should I love You if this is how I get repaid?"
Newsflash: Jesus loves me so much that He gave His life in the most horrible way so that I could have life in eternity with Him.
This life is not meant to be easy. It's meant to be lived in community with God, and to share the hope that He gives us with others. I do not believe that God is a smiter, someone who says "Hmmm...Kelley looks like she needs a challenge. Have a tumor." I believe that God loves Kelley so much that He will use this evil in her life to the most good and wonderful purpose possible. I believe that her life has purpose and that God will be glorified through her.
Kelley girl, I am rooting for you. To all my followers, please follow Kelley on this journey and help spread awareness of the preventative measures we can take to fight cancer.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My life has been a whirlwind the past few weeks. I'm just now reading this post. Thank you for your kind words. I can't begin to thank you for what you did for Rachel. I will remember it forever and I know she will too! You are the greatest!!