Monday, December 8, 2008

Realist or a cynic?

After watching 2 of the most inspirational teacher movies ever known to man (Freedom Writers, Dead Poets Society) in a 48 hour period, I was left with several emotions relating to my current classroom situation. Anyone that has known me for a significant amount of time knows that my philosophy of education has changed drastically from what it was in college. I went into teaching with a desire to be like Mrs. G and Mr. Keating; to cry out with a "barbaric YAWP", to inspire students who didn't want to learn by caring about their lives...that at the end of the school year, I would be able to feel that I had put my heart and soul into my students and that they would leave my room with a passion for English and the knowledge that I believed in them.
What I have realized lately is that these systems assume that the students want you to care. That they want to be inspired. That they desire the "switch to click." Most of mine do not have this desire. Most of my students want to know what they need to do to get any kind of grade, and do not care about anything else I say. I spend the majority of my class time trying to keep everyone on task. There is no insightful discussion because I have to stop and say "quit talking, give me your phone, no you can't get a drink of water, that word isn't allowed in this classroom...." So I do what I have to do. I teach to the best of my ability and try to show them I care. But instead of them looking at me lovingly with whispers of "O Captain my Captain," they think that I am the biggest B-word they have ever encountered.
So I guess my question to myself is, am I becoming cynical, or just realistic about the public school system? Is it possible to teach like these inspirational figures in regular classes of the public school system? With all of the paperwork, failure intervention plans, meetings, ARDs, modifications, IEPs, etc., how do I truly do my job?
God has called me to this school for this season of my life. I know this. I am confident that He has prepared a good work beforehand for me to walk in here. But it is so difficult to keep my mind constantly on the eternal. I have had the opportunity to share my faith with a student who asked about a month ago. This is HUGE, I know. I am frustrated that all of the crap that comes with the job tends to overshadow awesome moments like that. But I guess my struggle is that the realist/cynic question comes to play in my relationship with God as well.
I am finally coming out of my cynical phase, I think. And it's about time. Being away from Howard Payne has not necessarily changed my viewpoint on a lot of things, but it has allowed me to think about what it means to show grace to people. Sometimes people are narrow minded, and don't care about what's going on in your life, and are judgmental, etc, myself included....but they have just as much crap going on in their lives as you. I am coming to appreciate the resources and people available to me instead of being so critical of the bride of Christ. So I guess if one good thing can come from my fall semester, that would be it!
I don't have answers to any of my questions. I just desire so much to be used by God in a way that pleases Him. And maybe that is happening, I don't know. I guess we shall see.

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