Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Finding Your Soulmate Workout

I think that anyone who is my Facebook friend knows that I have a friend crush on Chalene Johnson, the creator of Turbo Kick. I follow her tweets, her blog, and her facebook updates and am inspired by her life and her accomplishments every single day. About a week ago, she mentioned the concept of a "soulmate workout" in one of her blog posts. It's a term that I have really latched onto and I want to add some commentary to it for a minute.

According to Chalene, a soulmate workout is a workout that you not only do often, but truly enjoy doing. It doesn't have to be what you do every day, but your soulmate workout is the workout that is not a hassle, but is a pleasure to do. It's fun. It brings you joy. You work very hard to excel at it. Chalene says that EVERYONE has a soulmate workout, but not everyone knows what it is because many people associate working out with a treadmill or an elliptical, or think that working out means lifting weights. Not discounting that by any means...obviously those things are not mine. :)

My soulmate workout is, winning by a landslide, Turbo Kick. A mixture of kickboxing, dance moves, and awesome music, I blast away calories and have a great time doing so! This workout is something I base my schedule around. It is quickly becoming a part of my social life as well...since I am doing homework 24/7, I don't hang out with people unless I see them at the gym. I absolutely love it.

Exhibit A: My Turbo Glow Party outfit:

Contrary to popular belief, Turbo isn't the only thing that I do. I lift weights, I go running, I do sculpting videos, I cycle, I have pretty much done everything except Aqua, and that is next on the list. I enjoy several of these, but none like Turbo. And the KEY to being consistent is to find something that you love!

My friend Tanna said that she loves running and is able to really engage in prayer time with God during a run. My roomie, though she loves Turbo like me, absolutely loves lifting weights and would go to a lift class every day if she could. My cousin is a P90x junkie. So don't be afraid to try new things! Working out is anything that raises your heart rate, makes you sweat, and burns calories. Maybe you just LOVE running up stairs. Maybe you are a salsa dancing diva. It doesn't matter! Find your soulmate workout and just throw yourself into it! The person who comes out will not only be a hotter outside, but will express a more joyful and confident inside as well.

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