Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday Five

1. Scarves bring me a type of joy that not many people can understand. Now that it is fall, I will wear them regardless of the temperature. All colors. I also am excited that I can bring my purple leather jacket out of retirement soon. It's the little things that make me happy.

2. There is absolutely no way for me to finish a day in my 3rd grade classroom without having said at least once, "SERIOUSLY????"

3. Sundays are my absolute favorite days ever. Especially this Sunday. I get to sing at church, go watch my man play baseball at LAGRAVE FIELD like a BOSS, and get to go to what will end up being my favorite community group ever: "Before It Hits the Fan." WIN.

4. I feel like I perpetually have other things on my mind than what I should be thinking about. I'm distracted by things that I'm looking forward to rather than things that are at hand. The older I get, the more I'm convinced that I have ADD.....SQUIRREL!

5. I am in love with the most wonderful man I've ever met.

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