Monday, September 6, 2010

My Personal Prayer Requests

I tend to hold out when it comes to allowing people to pray for me. However, sitting here thinking about all of the things I need to do, I'm overwhelmed and am refusing to be stubborn here. So...if you get the urge to say a few little words directed toward heaven, here are some things I'd really appreciate being lifted up for:

1. Memory retention. Not only am I in graduate school while teaching, but I also am taking the ESL test in a month to add that on to my certification. I have to have it by December and was too busy this summer to take it, so this is my only shot. I need to be able to study for class and remember all of that information, but also study for the ESL test as well as prepping for teaching every day.

2. Personal/Spiritual growth. I tend to put all of that stuff on the back burner while I handle whatever life throws at me. But now that I have another person who is affected by anything going on with me, I feel the need to make it a priority. I want to continue on the path of growing more like Christ, of being less dependent on myself and more dependent on Him to meet my needs. I desire to trust God implicitly with my heart and my life. Including the forgiveness stuff I blogged about earlier.

3. A spirit of calm. I get stressed/overwhelmed easily. Over stupid things. Sometimes it keeps me from sleeping and causes me to panic. This is dumb. I want to get over it. So I'm asking for prayer in that regard as well.

4. My future status as a wife and mom. I find myself daydreaming about those roles a lot lately. I don't know when either of those things will come to pass, but now is a great time to start practicing good things to help me be the best wife and mom that I can be. I've read the book called the Love Dare before, and I want to start putting some of those things into practice with Justin. Trying to show him that I love him in a new way everyday...nothing elaborate, just little things.

I'm pretty sure this encompasses everything right now. If you don't have time, then no worries. But I will accept any and all help in these areas I can get!

1 comment:

Shaver_Girl said...

Will be praying for yoU!